Welcome to Curly Girl Design

Cards for people, not occasions.

We make cards. We make good cards.

Really good cards.

We make cards for real people, in real life not just occasions (though we do that too).We believe that when you do a thing… you should do that thing simply. You should do that thing authentically. You should do that thing really really well.

So welcome to the place where we do that. Here you will find cracking good greeting cards that are blank inside so you have more space to tell folks you love them, and occasionally other things that strike our fancy. And that’s about it. We hope you like it here and come by often.

We Love Love!

Valentine’s Cards for all the loves in your life.

Always Been You Greeting Card


Certain Of You Greeting Card


Consider You Proof Greeting Card


Flamingo Greeting Card


Glorious Spectacle Greeting Card


I Am Home Greeting Card


Luckiest Greeting Card


Nothing With You Greeting Card


Same Time Greeting Card


You Fan Greeting Card


Winner! Consumer's Choice LOUIE Award 2023!!!

Congratulations are in order… and we have cards for that! See them here!

Brand New!

Hot off the presses! New releases for 2024

Entirely New Greeting Card


Gives Us Our Shine Card


Soulmates Have Wet Noses Card


With You In It Greeting Card


Louie Award Winners and Nominations

Many of our cards have received nominations and Louie awards over the years and it is always an honor, but this award recognizes Leigh’s body of work. This work takes work and the recognition feels amazing. We are so proud! Congratulations Leigh!

Stickers are back!

Here are some of the newest styles fresh off the presses!

Journey Alone Die Cut Sticker


Gonna Need Cake Sticker


Glorious Spectacle Sticker


Polish the Stars Sticker


Cactus Die Cut Sticker


Universe Girl Die Cut Sticker


Your current favorites...

We love to see what you are sending! Here is what is flying off the shelves (and hopefully into mailboxes around the world!) at the moment…

Admit One Greeting Card


A Little Nearer Greeting Card


Airmail Greeting Card


Being My Friend Greeting Card


Expands Her Path Greeting Card


Foolishness Greeting Card


Brilliant Diamond Greeting Card


Require Cake Greeting Card


Looking for the Blog?

Once upon a time we had a pretty cute blog…Archives here. Updates to come!

The Best of Sympathy and Support

A Little Nearer Greeting Card


Already Whole Greeting Card


Before This Loss Greeting Card


Beautiful Terrible Greeting Card


Everywhere The Light Gets In Greeting Card


Hate Running Greeting Card


Hug You Greeting Card


Lantern Greeting Card
