Photos © 2010Curly Girl Design, Inc./Leigh Standley. all rights reserved.
While I was in Morocco, not only did I miss the first day of practice for Coach, but I missed my mom's 60th birthday. It was bummer timing and though the trip was incredible, a part of me really wanted to be with her on her b-day. So when she and my dad came to visit the week after, we celebrated with cake for breakfast (with some fancy-probably-not-legal-in-the-states “cake fountains” ) and presents. Then we drove up to Maine for the afternoon and after picking out a vintage mantelpiece for the house (omg!), we went for lobstah!
My mom loves seafood. Growing up I can remember being on a long car trips to Colorado with my mom, brother, 'auntie' Patty and her kids, we would have to stop halfway and would stop at the same place every time. Mom and Patty said it was because it had an indoor pool, but I am pretty sure it was because there was an “all you can eat crab legs” deal. That's when I learned about drawn butter. Sigh.
Looking back, I am not sure it was the classiest of choices, but in the Midwest, you take seafood where you can get it I suppose.
Anyhow. A perfect October afternoon in Maine, Mom got lobster and everyone else got something that included the word “bisque” and we left full of fall happiness and headed to the shore to make Lucy the happiest dog on the planet and search for heart rocks. All in all, a pretty great New England day.
Happy Birthday Mom. Love you!