Photos © 2010Curly Girl Design, Inc./Leigh Standley. all rights reserved.
I hope you all had a spook-tacular Halloween weekend! I hope after all of the trick-or-treaters came and went they took all the Skittles and left only Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, well, that's how it goes in my fantasy.
In my case, there was not one left. Not one.
We got all cozied in for the night, lit candles on the porch, got the basket all ready …dressed up the dog.Of course.
We are among the ranks of the married-but-not-yet-with-children so we do what all perfectly normal pet-obsessed people do and dress up our 60lb mutt. In a pumpkin suit. That is significantly too small for her. It's all very charming…to us.
In our defense the kids all really liked it too (except for that one…) and while I am talking about kids I need to address this sneaky 'crusty old lady' feeling I am having. The kind that makes me want to start a sentence with “When I was a young person…”
I did not hear one joke. Not one.
They just ring the doorbell, grab candy and leave. Barely even a 'hello”! I remember working on what joke I would tell for weeks before and getting in fights with my friends over who would tell what joke and when. We practically did skits! Then there was the year my brother and I had to dress up as bags of dog food because my mom had forgotten all about making costumes, (we NEVER bought costumes. And never got sugar cereal, but that is another story) for some reason we had these huge feed-sack sized empty bags for dog food in our basement, and she just cut us arm, leg and head holes and sent us out. We really needed a good joke that year.
The point is, that's how I learned all my good clean jokes… what's an old lady to do!?