photo from Corbis
Hooooooooo weee! That was a doozy! Thanks all of you for your well-wishes, that plus a solid 48+ hours in bed all but whooped this bug. Last week feels a bit like a dream to me, but I have to say that I am totally grateful that the stars aligned and I was afforded the time I needed to rest for a few days.
I am good at one or two things. I can probably get you there from here (impeccable sense of direction), I can tell you any state's capitol by memory (good 5th grade teacher), I can sing every word to R.E.M's “It's the End of the World as We Know it” (too much idle time in junior high) and I make incredible guacamole (if I do say so myself). But the thing I am best at, above all else, is sleeping.
Seriously, ask anyone. If I could make a living sleeping, I would be a Fortune 500 company. I am a wreck if I don't get my 8 hours (“or NINE!” Coach says), my mom even told me that I used to put myself down for naps when I was little. I am serious about sleep. So given the chance to be in bed for 3 whole days…Whell! Let's just say, I did some of my best work.
And Voila! That plus this:
From my darling husband. And of course Lucy was a constant companion (she really went above and beyond):
And I am back! Ready to show this week who's boss!
I have such fun stuff to share with you all this week! A new style board, a HUGE announcement, Lacy is back with Habits of Happiness this week and I have some new Sweetheart Sponsors to share with you! ALL that, and I am going to share my chili recipe with you! I know! And you thought this was just going to be another chilly Monday (har har).
Ok, I think I may be showing signs of cabin fever…better go walk around the block or something.