All photos from my instagram feed ( @curlygirldesign )
It has been awhile since my somewhat panicked just-found-out-we-are-having-twins post, nearly 2 months in fact. I thought I would give you a little update, since these last 8 weeks have been a remarkable shift.
First, thank you all for your utterly lovely and fully present support. I hear from you daily and am just so grateful. I could never have imagined all that this little spot on the internet in the world would mean for me over the years when I first started it, but it has been such a gift. For me personally, and for the community that I am trying to bring to my business. Thank you.
After the initial shock of finding out we were having not one, but two new additions to our family, our acceptance, excitement and dare I say, joy have grown right along with my ever-expanding physique. We are pretty jazzed to be getting two at once and very excited to be having a boy and a girl. We are also well aware that we have no choice, so we had better get on board.
It has brought us closer in ways I could have never predicted, which I suppose is why I love being married to my husband. Coach has navigated this (sometimes crazy-making) experience with me with such grace and even occasional tenderness (let's not get carried away…) that I have no choice but to assume that he will be an excellent father. It is almost unavoidable. Good thing huh?
I joke because otherwise I would just weep constantly at the beauty of all of it. Nobody wants to hang out with you when you cry all the time.
Suffice it to say, we are doing well.
I have felt surprisingly great! I don't want to jinx anything (since I am still only 29 weeks) but so far so good! I am starting to feel heavy in my bones, and the heat of the summer has occasionally gotten to me, but for the most part, I have been managing to get lots of rest and good food and walk with Lucy in the mornings still which makes me feel not such a captive to my giant belly. I might actually be one of those annoying people who loves being pregnant.
Its the only time in my life I have had tight abs. True story.
It's awesome! In fact, if I could stay at the 6 month size, I would. Something about the belly seems proportionate for my solid German/Irish build.
The babies are doing well, he is a little bit larger than she is, which they are keeping an eye on, but is most likely due to the fact that they are totally different people. Which I quite like. I love the idea of twins, but so want them to have lives as individuals. I love daydreaming of what they will be like when they get here, and have had fun putting the nursery together with Coach and my Mom. When it is all finished I will post photos. I can't wait to meet them, but am not quite ready to not have them all to myself just yet. We are a party of three right now, everywhere I go. I kind of like that for the moment.
I am still trying to wrap my head around the whole delivery thing, and with the high-riskness of a multiple pregnancy, it takes any sort of predictability out of it for the most part. Which I am starting to suspect is the lesson here… but my midwife says the babies will tell us how they want to be born and when, so we will let them be the boss of me for a while. I will have plenty of time to make it up to them.
A few material things I am immensely grateful for at the moment: This Gigantic Pillow , this book , this oil (which I may baste myself in for the rest of my life), this lotion , these hideous (sorry) shoes, these godforsaken undergarments (in the interest of full disclosure…), Starbucks grande iced coffee and ice cream…of any sort.
Any pregnancy things you couldn't live without??
P.S. The above photos are from my Instagram feed, if you are not following me there, and don't mind millions of photos of Lucy, you should! I am @curlygirldesign