Artwork and writing is © 2010Curly Girl Design, Inc./Leigh Standley. all rights reserved.
I am a lousy secret keeper. Seriously. I am like my very own wikileaks. Do not, I repeat: do not trust me with your nation's secrets. I will squeal.
But! My little problem with keeping secrets really works out in your favor today. Lucky You!!
Here is a sneak peek of our not-even-back-from-the-printer-yet organic t-shirt line for 2011!! Super comfy (yes, organic AND comfy!), incredibly flattering cut (even if you have sausage arms like me), a chic smoky grey color and expertly inscribed (if I do say so myself!) with your favorite Curly Girlisms! What could be cuter!
And since you asked for it: all short sleeve!! Layer it up ladies!
They will be available for sale in January. Just when you will need a little something perky to get you through till spring!
Since they are a little blurry, or my eyes are going…I will list the sayings for you (so nice! I know.):
• “Life is tough. I recommend getting a manicure and a really cute helmet.”
• “Life is far too short not to have a little umbrella in your drink.”
• “I am fairly certain that given a cape and a nice tiara, I could save the world.”
• “I most often find that happiness is right where I planted it.”
• “Goodbye. I'm off to join the circus.”