Good friend and totally ESSENTIAL showroom helper L.C. picks names!
Ohmyheavens!!! I am so completly blown away by all of your comments and tweets and posts!! My heart is just exploding!
Let me tell you, if you are ever feeling down or just need a pick me up ask people to tell you what they like about you and you will feel 11 feet tall!!
I cannot thank you all enough! We have never, ever had that many comments or posts for anything and I loved reading every single one! Thank you all for sharing and being so generous with your big giant hearts.
So, since there was such a huge response, I decided that I couldn't just give away one little tee shirt. I have decided to pick 5 names instead! So, after we finished setting up what we could of our new showroom (details to follow),we put all the names in a vase and since Lucy is snowed-in in Boston, L.C. drew 5 names!
Our T-shirt winners are:
Marianne MacDougall
Amanda St. Clair
Stephanie Bryan
Kathy Meritt
Stephanie Alaine
Congratulations girls!! Emily will email you for your info and get you your tees. Thank you all for your stories and entries and for being with me on this adventure!
I am working on a showroom post, but until then, have to be my perkiest self for all the brave buyers that made it to Market today!
If you are AT or are COMING to Market, we are in a new location, you can now find us in a full permanent showroom:
Curly Girl Design – Bldg. 2WW Shrm #690a
We are also in Tango Showroom: Bldg 2 Shrm #1000b
Stop by and say hello!