Photos © 2011 Curly Girl Design, Inc./Leigh Standley. all rights reserved.
It's been awhile since I have shared any photos of 'big' Marmalade with you! The good news is, that it's because the new shop has been so busy since we opened April 1st, we have simply not had time, the bad news is, you have not been able to see all the amazing stuff we have had in over the past few months, or just how fabulous our little spot on 'Main Street' has become! (In my humble opinion…) So I ran around a bit with my camera this morning and snapped up a few shots of some of my favorite things that we have in right now.
But the real reason I had my camera out is so that I could share with you my most recent project(s) and how out-of-my-mind excited I am with how they turned out!! Introducing my one-of-a-kind, hand-worked, free-range (er, upcycled) chairs:
(um, yeah, if this one lasts a week in the store without coming home with me….be impressed.)
And THIS ONE!!! Holy moly would I want to sit at my desk longer if I were sitting in this:
I am addicted to matching perfectly useful and beautiful chairs with perfectly beautiful fabrics (I know I'm not alone…) and am already working on my next few! (No, I am not upholstering them myself…)
In the future I will be smart enough to remember to take before and after photos so you can see the total transformation. For now, you will just have to know that these beauties were given big-time upgrades and will hopefully have a whole new life ahead of them!
What do you think!?
P.S. If you have any questions about stuff from Marmalade, just give the girls a call at the shop (617.484.0093).