Photos by Heath Robbins. Property © 2011 Curly Girl Design, Inc./Leigh Standley. all rights reserved.
What a WEEK! I had so many things to share with you last week, but there was just so much going on and simply not enough hours in the day. We spent last week doing our second-ever big-girl photo shoot for the 2012 Curly Girl Design Wholesale Catalog, which involved about a million props, 4 staff members, two professional photographers, 400 photos and one dog.
This year we did the shoot in the professional studio (amazingly beautiful professional studio…) of Heath Robbins. Heath is an incredibly talented photographer who does super big-time stuff usually, but made some time for little ole' us to shoot the catalog. Knowing that time is precious (and expensive) I spent a good while drawing out the shots that I wanted to do, the girls and I made lists of props for each shot and Emily and I even spent until the wee hours of the night before setting up the shots in my kitchen taking our own photos (to remind us what we wanted) and then bagging up the props per shot. This may have been the most organized thing I have ever done. Although, if you had seen Emily's car the day of the shoot, you might have disagreed. Thanks Em!
We did all this prep work because we knew we could only afford one day of photography and we had A LOT of shots to get done and that we had never done this in a studio before so there would be the inevitable: “why don't we try this” or “shouldn't this have more snowflakes?” and “I know, but can you really see the sparkle?”, common lingo here at CGD. We built in a little time for that, but in the end were shooting from 9am to exactly 5pm and I think Lucy clocked in some overtime.
In the end, I got exactly the shots I wanted and a few extra that I didn't know I wanted. We got more than what we needed for the catalog and a whole set of editorial photos of single products to use when, you know, Oprah calls. The next step will be voting on a cover shot. I will post that in the next few days. For now, up top are the pro photos and here are some of the behind-the-scenes photos that I took while we were shooting.
I had an absolute blast! Thanks Heath and Jason and my girls, Emily, Allie and Laura and of course Miss Lucy. This big job is “in the can” (photo lingo… you know.)
Let me know what you think!
Also! We have a SUPERFAN!!!
You all were so wonderful and hilarious with your responses!! I love all the ways you are superfans! We had SUCH a hard time choosing a winner, but in the end, we must do what we must do.
The SUPERFAN 2011 title goes to: Courtney “Superfan” Law
who wrote us a song. We love the effort and creativity that went into that and as someone who re-wrote Michael Jackson songs with my best friend in 5th grade (ala Weird Al Yankovic) your cleverness is close to my heart.
Congratulations Courtney!! Emily will be in touch to get you your stash!!
That said, we decided that we had to give a runner-up prize for best laugh. Everyone, when picking their list of winners ended their list by saying “but, man, that tattoo girl was hilarious!” I agree. I laughed out loud at that comment!
So, Congratulations Kristen! We are sending you a mini-stash! Emily will be in touch. Please don't get a Curly Girl tattoo though.
Thanks all of you for your many many lovely comments throughout this ahem, month of give-aways! It is such a buoy to my spirit and gives me so much energy to know that you are out there reading and 'getting' Curly Girl. It makes every little thing worth doing.