2.5 Curly Girl Staffers! Our girls Laura & Erin (with .5 on the way!!) model our new tees and their undying friendship.
Happy Friday all!! To celebrate the successful completion of one whole week of 2011 I have decided to do a give away! In truth, I had so much fun doing the holiday give aways I am having a little withdrawal. Mostly, I am just super excited that our new tees are back from the printer (they still smell all cotton-y and inky! I love that!) and just sitting here being adorable until we start selling them at the upcoming tradeshows and get them up online. So I figured at least somebody should have one!
In an effort to keep to my word 'grow', I am going to ask for your help. I need your help spreading the word about this little blog and about Curly Girl. I know many of you so graciously have tweeted or blogged about us in the past and every little whisper helps in small business land, so I appreciate it very much. It makes a huge difference to have people who genuinely love our product get so excited about it that they just can't keep it to themselves! Enthusiasm is contagious, and of course the best testimony there is. So if you would, tell us what you love about Curly Girl, this blog, or your favorite product and then tell the world!
To enter, comment on this post with your love note, and for additional entries, blog about it, tweet about it, facebook it, yell it from the roof tops, wear a sandwich board…whatever stirs you (just remember, they must be NEW blogs/tweets/etc and to leave a second or third comment with a link to your, um, expression). Each comment will be entered to win a Curly Girl Organic Tee of your choice!
The winner will be picked Monday 1/10 at 12 noon. (I will need a break from hanging shelving and putting together our showroom!)
Thanks in advance! You all are magic.