Just another day at the office. Taken last year at Boston Garden during the run for the MA State Championship. (they won!)
October 15th marks the start of college basketball season.
This date is approached with much planning, late night strategeries and war-room pow wows. There are coaches all over America now texting and calling eachother to wish luck or lob playful challenges to their fellow coaches. There are well-attended (or in our case…attended) opening night festivities – with skits! All this for the first practice of the season. I can half hear the galloping steeds pulling the chariots into the colesseum..Let the games begin!
This is all new to Coach. Up until this year he has worked at the high school level where the beginning of the season is marked with out-of-shape teenagers returning from Thanksgiving break having eaten too much to fit into their warm-ups. Unceremoniously shuffling into the first few weeks of practice and then promptly going on Christmas holiday. Not that my husband doesn't run a tight ship…he does! The kids will never be in better shape the rest of their lives when he is done with them, it's just that it starts with more of a wimper than well, a galloping steed.
The point of all this is that I am missing it.
My trip to Morocco overlaps this launch and I am pretty bummed to miss the beginning of something so big for Coach. You see, he is an EXCELLENT coach. And by excellent, I mean it in the Miriam Webster sense;
1. worthy, estimable, choice, fine, first-rate, prime, admirable