photos by Tiffany Kirchner, property of Curly Girl Design, Inc.
Help! I need Help!
A couple of weeks ago we had our first 'big girl” photo shoot for our 2011 catalog and print advertising campaigns. It was totally crazy and totally fun and everyone involved did such an amazing job! The lovely and talented Tiffany Kirchner of The Fancy Farmgirl came out to shoot for the day and Curly Girl staffers Laura, Erin and Emily took their Sunday to style, pose, schlep, arrange and of course, eat cake.
So now I am in a pickle. I have an ad due and I cannot decide which one to use! So I am taking a vote! Please take a second to weigh in on which would make you not be able to go on living if you didn't immediately have some Curly Girl Design in your life! Which one makes you sigh, swoon or squeel with delight. And, please, if none of these do, I don't really want to know about it.
I am on a deadline here.
Thanks in advance. I thank you ….the world thanks you… (well, the world of the gift industry anyway.)