Photo by Jeff Standley, 30, who is cute, funny, single and loves dogs. Just sayin’.
Thanks all of you for your comments and prayers and lovely wishes for Tucker! My brother texted this photo last night to say that Tucker is out of the anesthesia haze and up and well, not running. I am pretty sure he feels like his whole leg is asleep all of the time, so is kind of dragging it around. My brother has rehab excercises for them to do and lots of pain meds for the first few weeks. Soon Tuck will get used to using his leg again and hopefully way better than he did before. Until then, he will just sit there and punch holes in my soul with that face.
P.S. I may have, unwittingly, pulled your heartstrings extra hard by first posting a photo of Tucker 8 months or so ago when he was just a puppy. This was the only good photo I had of him…but it did the trick didn't it!? Oh man!