Photos © 2010Curly Girl Design, Inc./Leigh Standley. all rights reserved.
After my “day to myself” in Seattle, I jumped in the rental car, scooped Lacy up from the airport, headed to the ferry and we were on our way to Artfest 2010! We arrived in lovely Port Townsend, WA later that day (after of course stopping for cheese, crackers & wine and poking around little shops on the way) and went about getting ourselves signed up and into our ‘officer’s housing’. Artfest is held at Ft. Worden, an old military fort that sits on a bluff above Puget Sound and 2 miles of beautiful beach. It is breathtaking…and, I thought, oddly familiar.
As we got settled into our ‘quarters’, which would best be described as “rustic” but charming (we can get into how I love NOT camping another time) I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had seen this place before. It was both pristine in it’s appearance (considering it has not been used as a base since the 50’s) and eerily preserved feeling, like at any moment “Mayo” was going to walk out of one of these dorms…THAT WAS IT!!! I had been feeling the presence of a young Richard Gere all along!!
Turns out that Fort Worden was the location for the filming of “An Officer and a Gentleman” and everything is exactly the same!
All in all Fort Worden and the sleepy little town of Port Townsend are completely enchanting, a little mysterious and totally beautiful. As you can see by my photos, I was completely obsessed with the landscape. The sweeping coastal views, the chilly salty air, friendly and rugged locals and delicious Pizza from Sirens, make this little port town a place to hunker down for a day or two. You never know who or what you might see. In fact, while I was standing in line for coffee at the local provisions place, I got to the cashier and he nodded to the older gentleman who had just checked out before me and said: “That guy climbed Mt. Everest.”
“Oh Wow!” I said,
“I’ll just have a croissant.”
Next Stop: ArtFest and What I wore. Just kidding. What I made…