Photos © 2011 Curly Girl Design, Inc./Leigh Standley. all rights reserved.
This past weekend I enjoyed my first trip to the lovely town of Appleton, WI for an in-store signing at Scatter Joy. The event was an absolute blast! Owners Janet and Lori went above and beyond, far and away, and way over the top with cute fun stuff for me and their customers!! Their friends and family were just so lovely and I felt so welcome that I can’t believe I ever left!! When I arrived Friday, the girls met me at the airport with some of Wisconsin’s finest (cheese curds!!) and whisked me away for a day of fun, complete with a visit to see the Compassion Project which both of their daughters participated in and just took my breath away.
Side bar: What do you suppose the effects are of having 7000 people meditating on the idea of ‘compassion’ at the same time? Pretty awesome to think about what is possible there.
That evening the weather was perfect and we were treated to a lovely dinner at the home of a more than lovely friend and customer of the shop. (Thanks Missy!!)
After a night of rest, and much time spent determining my ‘sleep number’ at the hotel (I’m a solid 35!), I arrived to the shop, which was most adorable and completely decked out with Curly Girl!!
Do not miss the chance to visit this shop if you are anywhere NEAR the area! It is stuffed to the gills with colorful and creative treasures! I will do a little shop tour soon. I had such a wonderful time and am so grateful so many folks came out to see me! It was nice to be back in the Midwest for a moment and just revel in the easy conversation and simple nice-ness of everyone. Thanks to all who came, all who helped and all who made this possible!
Until next time Wisconsin….