Photos © 2012 Curly Girl Design, Inc./Leigh Standley. all rights reserved.
Oh my! Time is just cruising on by!
June is a month of creative development and wrap up before our summer trade shows begin. I have been in studio a lot (which you can see) and working on getting the shop ready for the holiday season (hard to believe, but I must.). It is both a very invigorating time and a tiny bit of a stressful one. My deadlines are looming (some of them have passed…eeep!) and I am at the moment “in the weeds”. Not sure where I learned that term, but it suits me perfectly from time to time.
I wanted to say 'hi' though and give you a quick photo catch up of the past few weeks outside of the studio! (It has not been ALL work…)
I flew down to Dallas Market to buy for Marmalade for the holidays. I had three days, two trusty companions and a large list of things to accomplish. We got a lot done, not all…but we did accomplish some decent guacamole and margaritas. Win!
I have been home a bunch, working…which is no fun for Lucy, but it does mean that I cook more. And Coach, who is knee-deep in a doctoral program, has been 'bustin' it on his summer courses. One of which involved writing a 65-page paper in 5 weeks. Yipes! He finished yesterday….with an 'A'!! So glad and proud!
Oh, and one other 'mini' thing….
Lucy and I got a new ride!! I have wanted a Mini Cooper for about one million years, and after much deliberation and some serious 'grown up' decision making, we decided to go for it.
Actually, my darling husband said: “You work really hard and it really suits you. I think you should do it.”
He said something like that one other time regarding a pink couch. (Our first major furniture purchase…) I think I swooned as much then. I knew all of those things, but having your person see you the way you see you is a pretty amazing thing. I am grateful for that.
So, that is the quickie version of what has been going on over here… via Instagram. I am back in studio this week so look for some fun new sneak peeks!
Hope you are all enjoying your summer beginnings! It's gonna be a great one!!