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For a while now, my friend Lacy and I have been chatting on the topic of “happiness”. What is it? Where does it come from? How do we get more of it? What makes us really happy? What makes one person a “happy person” and another not? The questions are endless, but the research, it turns out, is fun! We have in no way become experts, but have learned one thing: Happiness is, among other things, a practice. So like anything else we want to do better, we must make it a habit.
Lacy has been ‘practicing’ for a long time now, and I feel she has a lot to share on the topic. So when I decided to start this blog, I asked her if she would do regular guest-posts to talk about it. I plan to make a habit of reading them. xoxo, Leigh
Happy Whirled:
Hi All! Lacy Here!
This summer on Leigh’s California adventure I got to spend some time with her and the mister and in the process we discovered a shared love of blended concoctions. We’re talking serious smoothie recipe sharing here people.
In our house we start the day with either green juice or a smoothie. This simple formula will get you blending with endless possibilities:
1. For a belly-loving smoothie you’ll need 10 oz of liquid.
Choose from coconut milk or almond milk (coconut is my favorite for this recipe)
2. Then add two cups of the frozen fruit of your choice.
Try one cup mango and one cup pineapple (you will seriously love this, it’s like perpetual summer in the tropics)
We always use frozen fruit and never use ice. If you want to thicken your smoothie use a frozen banana.
3. Add an element of sweet.
We used either a soaked date or a tablespoon or two of raw honey.
A note on:
honey. Go raw and go local. It’s one of those things you will always find in my kitchen. Let those happy buzzing bees boost your immune system with their sweet handy work. Eating local honey can help to reduce allergies and it’s a great way to sweeten while avoiding the sugar crash that comes with processed table sugar.
You can buy dates at the grocery store in the produce section. They are usually about the size of your thumb, brown and a little sticky. Once home remove the pits and then place in an airtight container in water and place in the fridge. The dates will soften and blend into your smoothie easily. You can keep them in the fridge for a couple of weeks (or longer).
4. Give it a little super boost.
If you like you can add a superfood supplement to your smoothie to give it a little kick.
We’re all about Maca in our house at the moment. Maca powder increases stamina and helps to combat fatigue. My favorite “boosts” come from Navitas Naturals
If you’re just beginning to explore the world of superfoods, start with Cacao Nibs! They’re little pieces of antioxidant rich raw chocolate. They are perfect in a smoothie and full of nutrient rich iron and minerals.
Here’s to your health & happy taste buds!
Love, Lacy
Thriving Through the Holidays : Group Health Coaching Give Away!!
I am embarking on a healthy journey this holiday season and I want you to join me!! I have had the pleasure of having Lacy in my life for a good while now and have gotten to watch her shape her passion for healthy living and happy eating into a genuine mission. This is not a fast or new fancy cleanse. It’s not a regimen or even a diet. It is a time that you set aside to dedicate to taking care of yourself and your little ol’ body. It is about celebrating food and health and all the amazing ways that they are intertwined. It is a fast track to happy and habits of happiness, and I want you to get to do it.
Lacy has partnered with Lisa from: With Style and Grace and the together they have created something really special for you. They have generously offered me two prizes to award my fabulous readers! One reader will win a free spot in the “Thriving Through the Holidays” Group Health Coaching Session (Nov. 22nd – Jan 31) and a second reader will win $100 off!!
A little bit more about the course:
Who is this for?
• Those wanting a different relationship with food: stop counting calories, understand your body, gain confidence in food choices, experience overall happiness in your life, set and accomplish goals, understand and reduce cravings, explore new foods.
• Women of all ages committed to their health and well-being.
• Women who are new or curious about exploring the naturally gluten-free lifestyle and those who want more energy by eliminating gluten from their diet.
Sessions are held via phone, once every two weeks for an hour.
What’s the benefit?
• Open up the possibilities for a new way of life and a new relationship with food.
• Sense of community to help support your goals and hold you accountable.
• Learn health benefits and how to prepare new foods.
For just $299, you get . . .
• Three months of consultancy and advocacy to help you achieve your goals.
• Healthy, easy and creative ways to make recipes.
• Gift box full of healthy swag, clever reminders in support of your path.
You can get all the info you want: here. You can also sign up for the session here and here.
To enter the give-away:
Go to Lacy’s Facebook Page and click “like” maybe even post a little hello there. Then leave a comment on this post telling me why you want to be part of this and what you hope to get out of it!
Act quickly, winners will be chosen on Wednesday November16th at 5pm EST.
Yay! I am so excited for this! Thanks Lacy for putting this out into the world!