Habits of Happiness


For a while now, my friend Lacy and I have been chatting on the topic of “happiness”. What is it? Where does it come from? How do we get more of it? What makes us really happy? What makes one person a “happy person” and another not? The questions are endless, but the research, it turns out, is fun! We have in no way become experts, but have learned one thing: Happiness is, among other things, a practice. So like anything else we want to do better, we must make it a habit.
Lacy has been ‘practicing’ for a long time now, and I feel she has a lot to share on the topic. So when I decided to start this blog, I asked her if she would do regular guest-posts to talk about it. I plan to make a habit of reading them. xoxo, Leigh

Jump, Leap, Trust.

Hi all! Lacy here!

There’s a story that I sometimes read to my clients about jumping into the void. The message is that we think life is when we’re on solid ground but really, in truth life happens in the moments where we’re in the air leaping between the two places. When we can come to realize the impermanence, the illusions and reality of change then we’re free to experience life in a whole new way. For some it’s just a concept to entertain for others it’s a way of life. You get to choose where you land on the spectrum.

What I know of happiness is that it’s about finding it in all places, especially the places called transition.

Happiness is a muscle that you exercise and a way of thinking that is not only practiced with diligence but also a healthy sense of humor. Transition is one of those special places that can either be wrought with angst or filled with head shaking, belly busting laughter. When you get to that place in your life remember that you get the choice to plant your feet firmly and not budge or to be flexible… to jump, leap and trust.

Here’s to jumping right into the void!


Lacy Young is a professional happy person. You can find out more about her on her blog.

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